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  • Eletronic Security | Orion Grupo

    Complete intelligent access management solutions for authorized people and vehicles in a building. Possibility of 24x7 monitoring and use of IoT devices for real-time management from the CORTEX platform. We work in the design, implementation, operation, maintenance and management phases of access control systems. Access control Complete solutions for capturing, retaining and analyzing images using cameras linked to systems, artificial intelligence, monitoring centers and data storage and distribution units. Possibility of 24x7 monitoring and use of IoT devices for real-time management from the CORTEX platform. We work in the design, implementation, operation, maintenance and management phases of CCTV. CCTV Complete perimeter control solutions that make it impossible for unauthorized access to a certain area, with a delimited perimeter, where you want to protect or simply prevent access. Possibility of 24x7 monitoring and use of IoT devices for real-time management from the CORTEX platform. We work in the design, implementation, operation, maintenance and management phases of perimeter control systems. Perimeter Control Complete body inspection solutions for intra- and extra-corporeal object detection. Possibility of 24x7 monitoring and use of IoT devices for real-time management from the CORTEX platform. We work in the design, implementation, operation, maintenance and management phases of body scanners. Body Scanner Complete ferrous and non-ferrous metal detector solutions. Complementary to other electronic security solutions, they can be used in a variety of projects, such as transport terminals, corporate buildings, among others. Possibility of 24x7 monitoring and use of IoT devices for real-time management from the CORTEX platform. We work in the design, implementation, operation, maintenance and management phases of metal detectors. Metal Detection Hardware and software solutions for integrations with existing systems, such as building automation, management software, Integrated Command and Control Centers, DCIM, among others. Possibility of 24x7 monitoring and use of IoT devices for real-time management from the CORTEX platform. We work in the design, implementation, operation, maintenance and integration management phases. Integrations More See awards and event Technical products and services specialists who guarantee property and user security Electronic Security Solutions for Buildings Portinari Corporate Center Building, located in Brasília-DF. First building with LEED Platinum certification in the Midwest region. 14,000m² of built area, 8 floors and capacity for +500 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case Villa Lobos Building, located in Brasília-DF. LEED Gold certified building. 23,000m² of built area, 7 floors and capacity for +700 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case Premium Building, located in Brasília-DF. Building complex formed by 2 buildings and common spaces. 24,000m², 7 floors and capacity for +800 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case Know more See awards and event Technical products and services specialists who guarantee property and user security Electronic Security Solutions for Buildings

  • Assessments | Orion Grupo

    Schedule a presentation Complete detailed diagnostic services for the main chapters of the building infrastructure. Assessments Detailed diagnosis X-ray of current condition Detail of all chapters of the existing building infrastructure, including chapters linked to the critical mission of the building. Understand limitations, possible modernizations, detailed costs and execution schedule. Have in your hands a detailed plan for the efficient and sustainable future of your buildings. Contracted electrical demand Understand your energy bill Detailed assessment of the installed electrical capacity, consumption characteristics and details of the electrical demand contracted with the electricity concessionaire. Receive a detailed technical report, cost spreadsheet and improvement execution schedule and potential change in contracted demand. Climate efficiency View main issues Detailed and careful study of all components of the air conditioning, heating, ventilation and air renewal infrastructure. Receive a detailed technical report of potential improvements and modernizations, detailed costs, execution schedule and return on investment projections. Portinari Corporate Center Building, located in Brasília-DF. First building with LEED Platinum certification in the Midwest region. 14,000m² of built area, 8 floors and capacity for +500 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure Brasilia DF See full case Villa Lobos Building, located in Brasília-DF. LEED Gold certified building. 23,000m² of built area, 7 floors and capacity for +700 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case Premium Building, located in Brasília-DF. Building complex formed by 2 buildings and common spaces. 24,000m², 7 floors and capacity for +800 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case

  • Deployments | Orion Grupo

    Schedule a presentation Complete implementation services for new buildings and modernization of existing spaces, aiming to increase efficiency, sustainability, safety, availability, health and well-being of users. Implementation Retrofit Tailor-made modernizations Partial or total improvement of all chapters of the building infrastructure aiming to increase efficiency, sustainability, cost reduction, availability and safety for users and operators of the building. New buildings Custom projects Projects and implementation of new buildings focused on efficiency, sustainability and safety for users. Corporate buildings, Data Centers and Telecommunications environments, industrial and logistics plants. Schedule a presentation Complete implementation services for new buildings and modernization of existing spaces, aiming to increase efficiency, sustainability, safety, availability, health and well-being of users. Deployments Portinari Corporate Center Building, located in Brasília-DF. First building with LEED Platinum certification in the Midwest region. 14,000m² of built area, 8 floors and capacity for +500 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure Brasilia DF See full case Villa Lobos Building, located in Brasília-DF. LEED Gold certified building. 23,000m² of built area, 7 floors and capacity for +700 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case Premium Building, located in Brasília-DF. Building complex formed by 2 buildings and common spaces. 24,000m², 7 floors and capacity for +800 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case

  • Management | Orion Grupo

    Infrastructure Management Integrated management of all chapters of the building infrastructure, including technical engineering services, third-party contracts, technical and economic performance. SLA management and management KPIs . Schedule a presentation Services Much simpler Management of all contracted Orion services in a single location. Manage assessments, implementations, maintenance and operation of infrastructure in a single location. Have your infrastructure in the palm of your hand, in real time, on your computer or smartphone, with the indication of insights and potential improvements. Third parties Much more than infrastructure Manage all third-party contracts linked to the infrastructure and facilities universe. Monitor contractual indicators, contract limits, due dates, payments, fiscal and legal transparency and indications of potential improvements and replacements. Your life is simpler and without bureaucracy. Performance Simple and intuitive Creation and real-time monitoring of business and infrastructure indicators that make sense for our clients' routines. Reconcile costs and operational indicators in a single location, making more assertive and faster decisions according to the specific needs of your operation. - Experts from all infrastructure chapters - Customized indicators for each project - Use of exclusive and proprietary AI Rest assured that our experts are monitoring all infrastructure management data, including Orion and third-party services, 24x7. Your sleep and tranquility are guaranteed! Remote operation More Let us understand your infrastructure challenges and guide possible paths to efficiency, sustainability, health and well-being Want to see the management platform of infrastructure in action? Portinari Corporate Center Building, located in Brasília-DF. First building with LEED Platinum certification in the Midwest region. 14,000m² of built area, 8 floors and capacity for +500 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure Brasilia DF See full case Villa Lobos Building, located in Brasília-DF. LEED Gold certified building. 23,000m² of built area, 7 floors and capacity for +700 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case Premium Building, located in Brasília-DF. Building complex formed by 2 buildings and common spaces. 24,000m², 7 floors and capacity for +800 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case

  • Mission Critical | Orion Grupo

    Our management platform centralizes all data from your mission-critical infrastructure, allowing management focused on efficiency and savings, wherever you are. Platform CORTEX More Specialized technical products and services that ensure security, high availability, efficiency and sustainability for all chapters of mission-critical infrastructure. Complete solutions for Data Centers and Telecommunications Environments Demo To enter Know us Solutions Complete diagnosis of building and mission-critical infrastructure Assessments Projects, new constructions and modernizations for buildings and infrastructure Deployments Efficiency and sustainability for building and mission-critical infrastructure Maintenance Real-time monitoring of all infrastructure chapters Operation Integrated management of indicators and contracts linked to infrastructure Management Integrated management platform for all infrastructure chapters CORTEX Own methodology for integrated infrastructure assessment Score Carbon footprint mitigation solutions for maintenance and operation Clean Publications Saiba Mais Detailed content on building infrastructure management processes. E-books Saiba Mais Insights, tips and solutions for the main challenges of building infrastructure management. Articles Saiba Mais We are a More Efficient Operation 2023 INFRASPEAK videos Contact Know us Solutions Complete service and product solutions for building infrastructure. Building Infrastructure Integrated solutions for Data Centers and Telecommunications Environments Mission Critical Integrated access control, perimeter control, CCTV and integration solutions. Eletronic security Sustainability solutions for Building and Mission Critical infrastructure. Sustainability Complete diagnosis of building and mission-critical infrastructure Assessments Projects, new constructions and modernizations for buildings and infrastructure Implementations Efficiency and sustainability for building and mission-critical infrastructure Maintenance Monitoramento em tempo real de todos os capítulos da infraestrutura Operation Integrated management of indicators and contracts linked to infrastructure Gestão Integrated management platform for all infrastructure chapters CORTEX Own methodology for integrated infrastructure assessment Score Carbon footprint mitigation solutions for maintenance and operation Clean Publications More Detailed content on building infrastructure management processes. E-books More Insights, tips and solutions for the main challenges of building infrastructure management. Articles More We are a More Efficient Operation 2023 INFRASPEAK Videos Contact Login Demo Indoor Solutions Complete solutions for Data Centers and Telecommunications environments located inside existing buildings. Outdoor Solutions Complete solutions for Data Centers and Telecommunications environments located outside existing buildings. Dedicated buildings Buildings dedicated exclusively to housing assets, infrastructure and management of Data Centers and Telecommunications environments. We carry out all phases of the project, in particular: risk analysis, designs, approvals, implementations, certifications, commissioning, asset moving and startup. Specific solutions for renewable energy, water treatment and reuse can also be developed, in addition to the design and implementation of DCIM . Portinari Corporate Center Building, located in Brasília-DF. First building with LEED Platinum certification in the Midwest region. 14,000m² of built area, 8 floors and capacity for +500 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See success story Villa Lobos Building, located in Brasília-DF. LEED Gold certified building. 23,000m² of built area, 7 floors and capacity for +700 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case Premium Building, located in Brasília-DF. Building complex formed by 2 buildings and common spaces. 24,000m², 7 floors and capacity for +800 simultaneous users, including conventional and mission-critical infrastructure. Brasilia DF See full case Maintenance Guarantee of high availability for the entire Mission Critical infrastructure. Preventive, corrective and evolutionary activity plans tailored to the specific needs of each project. Possibility of hiring a mobile, dedicated or mixed team. Definition of KPIs and goals. More Operation Real-time monitoring of all chapters of mission-critical infrastructure. Possibility of remote, local or mixed hiring. Definition of KPIs for all infrastructure chapters. More

  • Simulator | Mission Critical | Orion Grupo

    Critical mission Orion is a maintenance and operation program for Data Centers and Telecommunications environments, aimed at customers who wish to preserve physical security, high availability, efficiency and sustainability indices according to the parameters of their projects. Composed of our own multidisciplinary team, with engineers, technicians and administrative managers, for environments of any size and complexity. For this estimate, small, medium and large Data Centers and Telecommunications environments and buildings dedicated exclusively to this purpose are eligible. Insulated racks, with or without dedicated physical protection (safe racks and similar) will require contact by email or telephone to prepare value estimates. Mission Critical Return to Simulations page Company Email personal data Name Office Telephone UPS power (kW/h) Mission Critical Age Number of users Electricity consumption Service providers Building automation * Yes No Number of generators CEEDA Certification * Yes No Ecological Gas Combat * Yes No LEED Certification Select DCIM * Yes No Orion needs the data provided in this form to communicate about products and services. You may stop receiving these communications at any time. For more information, check out our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. I agree to Orion's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. I agree to receive content related to Orion products and services. Start Simulation Mission Critical Area Raised floor area Quantity of Racks UPS Quantity Early Smoke Detection * Yes No UPTIME Certification * Yes No Power generators Error text

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  • Blog | Orion Grupo

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  • Teste | Orion Grupo

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  • Consumo de energia e água | Orion Grupo

    Consumo de energia elétrica e água potável Orion são soluções de IoT para medição e gestão destas utilidades, voltada para a edificações que desejem operar de forma eficiente e sustentável. Composta por soluções em hardware e software, conta com equipe multidisciplinar própria, contando com engenheiros, técnicos e gestores administrativos, destina-se às edificações com no mínimo 2.000m² de área construída. Para esta estimativa estão habilitadas edificações residenciais, comerciais, industriais, educacionais, hospitalares, de hotelaria e shopping centers. Edificações especiais e com área total construída inferior à 2.000m² será necessário contato por e-mail ou telefone para a confecção de estimativas de valores. Consumo de energia elétrica e água Retornar para a página de Simulações Empresa Email Dados pessoais Nome Cargo Telefone Perguntas empreendimento Nome do edifício Endereço Nome do edifício Nome do edifício Nome do edifício Nome do edifício Quntidade de usúarios Consumo energia elética Quntidade de usúarios Nome do edifício Automação Predial Sim Não Prestadores de serviço Quntidade de visitantes Gestão de resíduos sólidos Sim Não Práticas sustentáveis Sim Não Possuí Data Center Selecionar Equipe Manutenção 24x7 Selecionar Certificação Well Sim Não A Orion precisa dos dados fornecidos nesse formulário para comunicar sobre produtos e serviços. Você pode deixar de receber essas comunicações quando quiser. Para obter mais informações, confira nossa Política de Privacidade e Termos de Uso. Eu concordo com a Política de Privacidade e Termos de uso da Orion. Eu aceito receber conteúdo relacionados aos produtos e serviços da Orion. Iniciar Simulação

  • Consumo de energia água | Orion Grupo

    Consumo de energia elétrica e água potável Orion são soluções de IoT para medição e gestão destas utilidades, voltada para a edificações que desejem operar de forma eficiente e sustentável. Composta por soluções em hardware e software, conta com equipe multidisciplinar própria, contando com engenheiros, técnicos e gestores administrativos, destina-se às edificações com no mínimo 2.000m² de área construída. Para esta estimativa estão habilitadas edificações residenciais, comerciais, industriais, educacionais, hospitalares, de hotelaria e shopping centers. Edificações especiais e com área total construída inferior à 2.000m² será necessário contato por e-mail ou telefone para a confecção de estimativas de valores. Consumo de energia elétrica e água Retornar para a página de Simulações Empresa Email Dados pessoais Nome Cargo Telefone A Orion precisa dos dados fornecidos nesse formulário para comunicar sobre produtos e serviços. Você pode deixar de receber essas comunicações quando quiser. Para obter mais informações, confira nossa Política de Privacidade e Termos de Uso. Eu concordo com a Política de Privacidade e Termos de uso da Orion. Eu aceito receber conteúdo relacionados aos produtos e serviços da Orion. Iniciar Simulação

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