Requirements and Qualifications
Horário de trabalho: Segunda a sexta das 09h00 às 19h00
Salario: pretensão salarial.
Benefícios: VR + VT + convenio com SESC+ parceria com instituições de ensino.
Local: Barra Funda - SP.
Responsibilities and Duties
Elaboração / criação de controles, análise e tratamento de dados exportado do sistema, composição e atualização de indicadores das áreas, controle de KPI's, gráficos / análises comparativas, melhoria de ferramentas de análises, consolidar indicadores dos setores/ auditorias internas de indicadores e processos.
Job Description
Nice to meet you, we are Orion

For more than 27 years, we have created value for companies through the efficient and sustainable management of building infrastructure, Data Centers, Telecommunications Environments, Electronic Security and sustainable infrastructure solutions. Collaboratively with our customers and partners, we develop solutions that improve business and generate impact on society.


Guilherme Torres
Electrical Engineering Intern

Guilherme Torrses
Electrical Engineering Intern

Guilherme Torrses
Electrical Engineering Intern

Guilherme Torrses
Electrical Engineering Intern

Guilherme Torrses
Electrical Engineering Intern

Guilherme Torrses
Electrical Engineering Intern

Guilherme Torrses
Electrical Engineering Intern